Press Used For Making Segmented Bowls

by Rick Tanguay
(Southington, CT)

Segmented Press

Segmented Press

As a hobby, I began woodturning on a lathe. I progressed to making segmented decorative bowls and urns which are made up of numerous rings that need to glued and pressed together so the joints will be very tight. I constructed this press which does the job perfectly.

It weighs about sixty pounds. The base and top are 1.5" square tubing and the corner uprights are 1/8" 1.5" x 1.5" angle iron. The threaded shaft is 3/4" diameter steel. The footprint is 16" x 16" and it stands two feet high.

First Image: The silver bars on the press can be raised or lowered to accommodate different height projects.

Second Image: Side view of press

Third Image: The press is used to make segmented bowls like this.

Fourth Image: Segmented Urn almost finished.

bowl press

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Dec 21, 2012
Great work!
by: Jim Carr

Well done; both the metal and wood work.

Dec 21, 2012
Press For Shells?

I need a press like that for building segmented drum shells. Do you have plans you can send us? Please contact us as soon as you have a moment. Thank you.

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