Build A Go Kart with Attitude

by Arron Bosch

Home Built Go Kart

Home Built Go Kart

I had a dream when I was younger to build a go kart. Now I'm 29 and got it done. I took a 500cc snowmobile engine and built my own frame, stole some parts from the old sled but she is mostly all mine. The thing goes like a bat out of HELL!!! (when it goes! still having spark issues). I built the frame out of 2x2x1/8 HSS for the most part. I wish I did a little more research and went with the round tube. That will be my next project building a single seater car using a 500 or grater motor cycle engine. I'll try and keep you up dated but I'm a welder not someone who wants to sit in front of a computer writing about what I should be doing.

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Feb 23, 2017
Looking to build one
by: Travis Burnell

How hard was it to use the snowmobile engine to drive the wheels ect? contact me at please

Oct 29, 2010
like it
by: Anonymous

did ya not think of maybe more of a chassis i know it would weight it down but cant beat safety other than that its a cool kart

Feb 14, 2010
cool stuff
by: Nick

Hey looks great, I'll have to keep posted on your next project. I've had this lawnmower engine sitting around the garage for a few years that still has some life in it and I've always wanted to use it on a go kart... even though i will have to come up with a cost effective work around for the vertical drive shaft.

Sep 30, 2009
Go Cart
by: Anonymous

That thing really looks bad ass i would love to ride on that

Jul 23, 2008
to answer your question
by: Arron Bosch

I used the snowmobile clutch and ran a live axle
If you have tried this it probly didn't work for you. I also put a 4:1 gear box on the jack shat and I have a 2.5:1 chain gear reduction on the cart if you check back in a few days I'll see if I can put some pictures up for you thanks for your intrest.

Sorry I cant mail you any plans I built it out of a dream in my head. You can do the same just dont be afraid to screw up. nothing in the world of welding is ever perfect the first time you do it especially when your adding an engin.

Jun 18, 2008
Nice work! Question about drive train.
by: Anonymous

I was just curious about whether you had a differencial type of rearend on your cart?

Jun 15, 2008
off road
by: harley

great job, im building one with a scorpion whip 440, fast, not done yet

Feb 09, 2008
Great stuff!
by: Anonymous

This is an awesome build. Looking forward to more pictures and posts on your projects!

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